Product Information
From shops to commercial spaces, we build it all. Quality construction built according to your needs.
- Layout:Customizable
- Shipping:United States Only
- Cost:$30 to $95 sq/ft
- Financing:Available
Can I erect this building?
Yes, we have a lot of DIY options that will allow you to erect the building yourself!
Does increasing the roof pitch increase the cost?
Yes, the main frames size and engineering need to be increased to handle the increased loads.
Additional Information
Metallic buildings are constructed with I-beams and they have multiple insulation options. We commonly use these buildings for commercial warehouse space, commercial retail, residential shops and we are developing a residential application. These buildings offer insulation packages from R-10 to R-40 and meet all snow load and wind speed requirements. The foundation consists of a 12” footing, 24” frost wall, 24” above grade stem wall, piers and an interior slab. All designed by a structural engineer.